Birds in New Jersey 2015
9 January 2015 - Many birds in the snow
A four-legged visitor
Fascinating paths created, especially the large triangular one, with its point towards the camera
A narrow path, as if a bicycle tire was dragged through the snow
Exploring the base of the new platform feeder
Exploring the dish under a birdfeeder (the dish is intended to reduce the amount of seed that lands on the ground)
What could be cooler than spotting a vivid red northern cardinal in your backyard?
TWO cardinals. (Dark-eyed junco on the large brick.)
The oddly-named "red-bellied woodpecker". Turns out it DOES have a bit of a reddish smudge on its belly.
With such cold temperatures, it doesn't take long for the water put out for the birds to freeze.
Here a tufted titmouse decides if there's enough liquid to take a drink.
Some warm water will be added to melt the ice that is forming.
House sparrows, two female cardinals, one male cardinal.
Black-capped chickadee on the lower perch.
Male northern cardinal showing a bit of territorial aggression.
Tufted titmouse takes a drink. Water is hard to come by in sub-freezing temperatures.