Birds in New Jersey 2015
7 February 2015 - a new little sparrow appears
A much smaller, thinner sparrow appeared. It turned out to be a Clay-Coloured Sparrow.
It's so rare in New Jersey that a bird forum person told me to inform my local birding society. Only five have been sighted in
all of New Jersey so far in 2015!
That's the little Clay-Coloured Sparrow, on the right.
A bunch of house sparrows; a white-throated at the back, and little Clay-Coloured at far right.
8 February 2015 - the next day
15 February 2015 - many birds in winter
Little chickadee
In the worst weather, it is the birds that we like to see more of that often appear: here, two juncos and a white-throated sparrow
No house sparrows.
Ah, there's one. A male house sparrow, sharing the feeder with a white-throated sparrow and a female northern cardinal.