Backyard Birds 2022
6 to 16 January 2022
6 January - cold! The water in the water dishes has frozen solid.
Solid water replaced with running water.
7 January 2022 - 15 cm (6") of snow
11 January - No matter how you measure the temperature (F or C) it's unusually cold.
16 January - A lot of robins stopped by for fresh water.
A catbird also stopped by.
And some starlings.
A red wing blackbird also visited.
Starlings grab a bite. Mercifully, they don't like plain suet, so the downy woodpeckers get to enjoy it. Strangely, plain suet costs much more than suet containing seeds.
Starlings leave black oil sunflower seeds alone, if the seeds are still in the shell. Red wing blackbird and house sparrow.
Up to 13 robins
15 robins eventually stopped by. The starlings started to dominate the water dish by bathing in it.