Birds in New Jersey 2014

Monday, 28 April 2014. Two new birdfeeders, continued.


Demonstrating how easy it is to get at the food


Two small yellow birds liked the other birdfeeder: on the left, an adult female breeding Goldfinch; on the right, a male.
According to a bird book, they are only yellow when they are breeding (March through October).


The bird could see the food, and tried to eat it.


The bird found that only the round openings worked for getting the seeds.


On the ground, all the spilled seed attracted not only birds, but also squirrels.


A squirrel with more brown appeared.


Several days later: more birdfeeder photos >>


Deer, April 2014 >>


Birds seen in our backyard
2014-04-28 Mourning Dove _ _ _ _
2014-04-28 House Sparrow _ _ _ _
2014-04-28 American Goldfinch _ _ _ _

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