Birds in New Jersey 2014
Tuesday, 19 August 2014 - a very special birdfeeder afternoon, continued.
The fishing line hanging on the three feeders closest to our house continued to keep the aggressive house sparrows off the
feeders. It was great to watch house finches, at times three at a time, on one feeder. They seemed to like perches, so I
made two sets of perches from thin branches that I poked through the mesh feeder.
There were a few pieces of nuts added to the top of the feeder. Was the finch after the nut pieces?
The titmouse continued to eat at the sunflower feeder. Later, it ate at the "finch mix" feeder, and, suddenly, there were TWO
of them, one at each feeder.
Black-capped chickadee
A puffed-up rock dove
For the past few weeks, the special "finch feeder" that only contained nyjer seeds had been a dud; the house finches
ignored it and headed for the sunflower seed feeder or the "finch mix" feeder.
However, TODAY....