Birds in New Jersey 2014

7 September 2014

When every bird and squirrel suddenly vacates the yard, it's sometimes because THIS fellow has wandered in: Mr. Groundhog.


8 September 2014 - juveniles continue to ask for food, as they learn how to be independent of their parents

Juvenile house finch continues to try and get Mom to feed it.


Lots of wing flapping and begging sounds.


But mother house finch just shows junior how it's done. "You've got to learn how to fend for yourself, my child."


Father American goldfinch continues to be assailed by his offspring.


Juveniles will chase a parent all over the yard, even to the drinking bowl.


11 September 2014

Mother Northern cardinal (orange beak) and offspring (grey beak).


I put some more grapes out for the cardinals.


Junior (on the right) still requesting Mom to feed it.


Finally, junior figured it out.


Squirrel decided IT liked grapes, too.

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