Birds in New Jersey 2014
2 November 2014 - a great birdwatching day
Not one, but two female brown-headed cowbirds appeared
A grackle landed on the feeder. Just like old times in the spring.
White-breasted nuthatches, tufted titmice and black-capped chickadees don't share feeders. When one approaches, the one
already on the feeder flies away. When a tufted titmouse approaches another tufted titmouse, there is a distinct squeaky
"uh oh!" sound as one flies away.
Consequently, this was a very unusual photo: two black-capped chickadees on one feeder at the same time.
Chickadee digs for a favourite seed: a black oil sunflower seed. Does it find one?
Nope, a piece of straw.
Try again.
The black-capped chickadees will try anything: plain seed, mixed seed, nyjer seed, regular feeders, mesh feeders, suet, sweet
hummingbird liquid. The little bird weighs about as much as three Canadian nickels, or about as
much as a U.S. quarter, dime and
nickel put together: between 11 and 12 grams. (Less than half an ounce.)
Female brown-headed cowbird next to a familiar house sparrow.
As winter gets closer, the squirrels are getting more interested in the feeders. Always, the same story. An attempt....
... without any success.