November 2019
Winter comes around again
28 November 2019. House sparrow invasion.
28 November 2019. Starlings visit.
Year-round visitor: mourning dove
Female northern cardinal checks out the peanut feeder.
What can happen when you set your new Canon T6i to AutoFocus.
One feeder, two downy woodpeckers.
Unlike house sparrows and house finches, woodpeckers don't eat side-by-side.
The female considers the alternative: the eat-from-the-underside feeder.
House sparrows commandeer the mixed-seed (from Costco) feeders.
The black oil sunflower seeds that fall to the ground are gobbled up by little furry animals with bushy tails.
Starling portrait
Sometimes squirrels just hang out in and on the squirrel house.
Stills from a movie taken in the backyard: a winter parade of colour